Our True Heroes
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Hero Lior L.
Lior is an adorable 6 year old boy with Crohn’s disease. He is a very happy boy who loves being…Read More -
Hero Yitzchak K.
Yitzchak is a very handsome 7 year old boy who is loved by all who come into contact with him.…Read More -
Hero, Simha
Meet Simha. In the photo you see a beautiful child but you do not know what is going on inside.…Read More -
Hero Libby V.
Libby is a strong 7 year old girl whose family love her dearly. She was diagnosed with Spina Bifida allowing…Read More -
Hero Ayala
Ayala is a beautiful, smiley, and happy young 12.5 year old. She is one of the bravest girls we know.…Read More -
Hero, Dianna. B
Dianna is a pure angel.She is one of the most beautiful girls in the world.Dianna is an emigrant from Ukraine.She…Read More -
Hero Alon H.
Alon is a sweet and 6 year old boy filled with life and smiles. Our Alon has a pure neshama,…Read More -
Hero, Daniel
Our wonderful Daniel is eight years old. He's a beautiful child, who loves to sing and play. He's an expert…Read More -
Hero Tamar C.
Tamar is an adorable 8 year old girl with Rett syndrome. This disability affects many parts of Tamar’s body including…Read More -
Hero Tal M.
Yehudit is such a sweet 3 year old girl yet she was born with Cerebral palsy, a condition that makes…Read More -
Hero, Tehilah
One of the heroes of the Ilai Fund is an enchanting little girl named Tehilah. A cute girl, Tehilah is…Read More -
Hero, Yael. H
Yael is a cute, darling 5 year old little girl. She is energetic and charming.Yael’s parents are emigrants from Ethiopia.…Read More -
Hero, Maya
16 year old Maya has a special closeness to G-d. She prays very often and says the book of Psalms…Read More -
Hero Chani G.
Chani is beautiful 8 year old girl and one of 7 children! She loves spending time with her family. Her…Read More -
Hero Yair A.
Our Hero Yair is such a sweet, good looking, 7 year old. He was born with Autism; a condition that…Read More -
Hero Ron D.
Little Ron is a very good looking 4 year old boy who was diagnosed at a very young age with…Read More -
Hero Dafna z.
Dafna is a special and beautiful young girl who loves spending time outside listening to music. She also has the…Read More -
Hero, Amir Vaaknin
Our seven year old Amir is full of life and energy.Amir likes to run jump and swim. He likes and…Read More -
Hero, Lior
Lior is a wonderful six-year-old boy.Lior is a born hero. He was brave and strong from the very beginning. Lior…Read More -
Hero, Tova
Meet our hero Tova, six and a half year old girl with Down syndrome. Tova lights up the world with…Read More -
Hero Meir F.
Meir is a 5 year old boy and is one of our strongest heroes! Despite his difficulties in speaking, it…Read More -
Hero, Michael. H
Michael is a sweet little 2 year old boy suffering from Pierre Robin Syndrome.He is a sociable and highly communicative…Read More -
Hero, Yitzchak. SH
Yitzchak is only 8 years old. He is very intelligent ant mature for his age.Yitzchak was born to his parents…Read More -
Hero, Oriya Sh
Oriya is three years old but she is very tiny and weighs as much as a new born baby. She…Read More -
Hero, Hava
Our beautiful little Hava is two and a half years old.Hava is such a charming child. She is so happy…Read More -
Hero, Shooki . M
Little Shooki is almost two years old.He is a sweet, friendly, happy, little boy.Just like everyone else, Shooki also likes…Read More -
Hero Alon S.
This is Alon, a wonderful and handsome 9 year old boy. He is a very determined young boy who learns…Read More -
Hero, Omer. B B
Omer is a wonderful 4 year old boy suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2. Omer is a sweet boy,…Read More -
Hero, Ohad Yehuda. M
Thirteen year old Ohad is a vibrant young boy whose big smile captures his face. We can learn from Ohad…Read More -
Hero Riad E.
Our little Hero Riad is a smart 7 year old boy who suffered from slight brain damage when he was…Read More -
Hero Elad O.
Elad is a cheerful and friendly 13 and a half year old boy. He was diagnosed at a young age…Read More -
Hero Moshe B.
You may think that tzadikim only exist in agadot but I would like to introduce you to two special people…Read More -
Hero Yocheved H.
As a result of being born prematurely at only 26 weeks, 4 year old Yochi now suffers from severe developmental…Read More -
Hero Tova L.
Meet Tova L., the cutest little girl with Down’s Syndrome you will ever meet! Tova absolutely loves colors! She is…Read More -
Hero, Omer. KH
Our special Omer is a four-year-old boy.In the ILAI Fund Family we have two boys named Omer, both are four…Read More -
Hero, Effie. R
Effie is 22 years old. Our darling Effie is a super-hero. He has an amazing sense of humor. He is…Read More -
Hero, Hodaya
Meet Hodaya M., a special 6 year old girl who is always cheerful and positive, and loves people and learning.…Read More -
Hero Michal L
Our Hero Michal is a beautiful and extremely friendly young child. She is one of the bravest girls we know.…Read More