All projects of the ILAI Fund are being supported by generous, loving people and families who are blessed with a good heart and soul. These wondeful people are actually Angels who love our children and support ILAI Fund's projects continuously and unconditionally.
We are so proud of them, love them and thank them for all that they do for our children.
May our prayers and the Mitzvah of supporting children with special needs be with you and your family.
May you be blessed with all the blessings enumerated in the Torah. Amen!
Let’s get to know some of our angels:
Prince Aaron-Moshe, Prince Evan-Yosef, and & Princess Kayla
Children of King Ben & Queen Bita Nehmadi Family
The Nehmadi family has been a long time supporter of the ILAI Fund and dear friends. Our history with them is long and fruitful: Bita is a very devoted and active philanthropist, responsible for numerous charitable projects, as well as years of support for the ILAI Fund. Mrs. Bita Nehmadi is also a dedicated wife of Mr. Ben Nehmadi and mother of three amazing children. Ben is a successful businessman and an amazing father. We thank Bita and Ben for their ongoing support!
Prince Yonatan, Prince Michael, & Princess Eliana
Children of King Dr. David & Queen Ester-Mojgan York Family
Princess Eliana is one of 3 children, she has two brothers named Yonatan and Michael. Their devoting parents, Dr. David and Prof. Mojgan York are one of the most caring and loving Angels of the ILAI Fund.
We thank our Donating Angel and president of the ILAI Fund, Mr. Ben Nehmadi, for introducing us to this wonderful family.
Dr. David and Prof. Mojgan York work incredibly hard to be able to care of their own dear children as well as our special children at the ILAI Fund.
Princess Eliana recentlyvisited Israel and personally visited the ILAI children in the Schneider hospital to hand out reading material, games and magazines. We are so glad you came! We love the entire York family and wish you all health, success, happiness, and brachot in your life. Amen!
Prince Ely, Princess London, & Prince Asher
Children of King Farshad & Queen Nazy Nassibi Family
In the photo below we see Ely and London Nassibi, twin brother and sister. They are the children of our dear friends and donating angels, Farshad and Nazi Nassibi.
Farshad, a man with a heart of gold, was one of the first supporters to join us on this mission. It has been 8 years since Farshad so willingly and with such excitement, helped us at the start of the ILAI Fund.
Since then, he married a true angel, Nazi, and become the father to these beautiful twins. Then, along came an extra gift from HaShem, a new baby boy named Asher!
We are so proud and lucky to have them among the rest of our Donating Angels.May the privilege of this great act of Kindness and Mitzva bless you and protect you in all you do. Amen!
Prince Joshua-Yehoshoa & Princess Joelle
Children of King Josef & Queen Neda Khoshnood Family
This June we celebrated eight full years since Mr. Joseph Khoshnood and his family started supporting the ILAI Fund!
From the day we established the Fund, Joseph continuously contributed his help and support. Joseph is a true brother to me and a father to the children at the ILAI Fund. He is a very loving man who is truly humble, and this sets a wonderful example of unconditional love to all of us.
Hashem has gifted Joseph with a beautiful wife, Neda, and two little angels, Prince Joshua-Yehoshua and Princess Joelle.
We are so thankful for the friendship we have with them and are so grateful for all their help.
My you be blessed and protected in all you do. Amen!
Princess Yael Princess Yaira, Prince Yair
Children of King Peyman-avner & Queen Doris Balakhane Family
Prince Dan, Prince Joy-Yoseph, Prince Jacob, & Princess Jolin
Children of King Shariyar-Shalom & Queen Rita Aynesaz Family
A beautiful family and good friends that have helped the ILAI Fund tremendously! Thank you!
Prince Yaakov- Jeremy, Prince Jason- David, & Princess Genevieve - Kahana
Children of Queen Jacqueline-Tamar and KIng Kambiz-Yitshak Zare Family
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Prince Benyamin, Prince Daniel, & Prince Yonatan
Children of King Joseph & Queen Devora Azizian Family
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Prince Dylan Eliyahu & Prince Brandon Mosheh
Children of King Jacob & Queen Valintin-Lea Rashdi Family
Thank you for all your help!
Prince Lior, Prince Maor, & Princess Liraz
Children of King David & Queen Marjan Baradarian Family
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Princess Eden, Princess Lital, & Princess Chloe
Children of Queen Sharona and King Morris Peykar Family
I was introduced to Morris through an old friend and Donating Angel Mr. Keivan Shavolian. Morris and Sharona are blessed with three beautiful angels, the true partners of the ILAI Fund: Princess Eden, Princess Liat and Princess Chloe.
May HaShem keep you safe in all you do!
Thank you for being a part of our mission. We truley need your help and are so thankful for your support. May you always be on the giving side.
Princess Brittney-Yael, Princess Brenda-Sara, & Prince Daniel-Aharon
Children of King Dr. Joee-Joseph & Queen Nazli Sabet Family
Princess Rivka, Princess Rachel, Prince Noah & Prince Yonah
Children of King Homayoon-Mordechai & Queen Kathy-Esther Namvar Family
I met Tony Namvar about 8 years ago on a business matter at his office in Los Angeles, of course it was about real estate!
I also told him about the ILAI Fund. He was very touched and decided to make his wonderful children, Rivka, Rachel and Yonah and his wife Katherine a part of the ILAI Fund family.
Dear Namvar family, we at the ILAI Fund appreciate your valuable input and thank you in the name of all the children and their families that we are able to help thanks to you!
Princess Eliana Miriam, Princess Talya Rivka, Princess Mikalla Emunah & Prince Liam
Daughters of King Ramin Rahamin & Queen Liora Namvar Family
Prince Benyamin-Mordchay, Prince Yosef-Shlomo, & Princess Rakhel
Children of King Jacob & Mrs. Taly Zokaim Family
Princess Raquel-Rakhel, Princess Megan-Sara, & Prince Ryan-Yosef
Children of King Dr. Mashiyah-Fariborz & Queen Rita Rodef Family
I am happy and grateful to honor my dear friends Dr. and Mrs. Fariborz Rodef and their three beautiful children as the donating Angels of the month of January.
Dr. Rodef is a professional and patient pediatric dentist with a very successful office on Pico Blvd, L.A. The community calls him the expert and many special children see Dr. Rodef if they need dental aid.
I owe a big thank you to my dear friend and angel, Mr. Ben Nehmadi, for introducing us.
Prince Koby Nuriel, Prince Eliezer Yohanan, & Princess Avital Serakh
Children of King Behdad & Queen Sharlyn Noorani Family
Close friends of many year and true Donating Angels! Thank you for everything!
Prince Benyamin, Prince Aharon Yohanan, Princess Ariella, & Princess Liel Hana
Children of of King David & Queen Sanaz Ben Eliyahu Family
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Princess Charlene-Liat & Princess Shannon-Maya
Children of Queen Sepideh Sedagat Family
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Princes Mosheh & Princess Shay-lee
Children of King Sharon & Queen Ester Golzar Family
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Prince Nathan, Prince Itan, & Princess Natalie Sarah,
Children of King Kamran Nissan & Queen Parvaneh Abrishami Family
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Princess Shira-Ashly, Princess Ester-Alexis, & Princess Chloe-Eden
Children of King Faramarz-Frank & Queen Katrin Hedvat Family
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Princess Abigail & Prince Yosef-Brandon,
Children of King Payam-Hertsel & Queen Irena Farzam Family
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Princess Sarah, Princess Eliza, Prince Eliyahu-Khay & Prince Mashiyah-Jonatan
Children of King Shahrokh- Sharon & Queen Rina Jacobi Family
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Prince Theodore Avraham, Prince Brandon Mordekhay, Princess Chantal Liora, & Princess Lindsay Khana
Children of King Fred Meir & Queen Doris Sarah Elnekaveh Family
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Prince Mosheh-Sean & Princess Hanukah-Nathan
Children of King Michael-Kamran & Queen Roya Shahkuhi Family
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Princess Sarah, Prince Joshua, & Prince Matthew
Children of King Keivan & Queen Tea Farhadian Family
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Princess Odeliyah-Blake, Princess Esther-Madison, & Prince Isaac-Jarrett
Children of King Shawn & Queen Michelle Yosefzadeh Family
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