Share a Gift


As you can see there is a tremendous amount of work to do to help our children. Most importantly, they need our financial and spiritual support

When you visit Israel, you can add one extra stop to your trip and visit some of our children with special needs.ILAI FUND is glad to make the arrangements for you!
Please join us, give us your hand and help us by providing your financial support for our children and for our work. Helping these children is one of the most rewarding acts anyone can perform.

Please Act Responsibly. Do not ignore this call. We need your help. Please join us on this journey. Come and share the blessing with us! Enjoy reading and donate today!
(If you would like to speak to us before you donate, please click here to contact us)


How would you like to donate?

  • Donate by PayPal or Credit Card
  • Donations by check or transfer from the U.S. 

    For tax-deductible 501(c)(3), please make your check payable to 
    P. E. F. Israel Endowment Fund. 

    It is also important to note directly on the check:
    Donation to the ILAI Fund #580-461-085.

    A separate letter,  emphasizing the words: ״Donation to the ILAI Fund״ included is also helpful.

    Please send your notated check and letter to:
    P. E. F. Israel Endowment Fund.
    630 Third Ave, Suite 1501
    New York NY 10017

    ( For Donations transferred direct to the P.E.F:- Please contact the office at )

  • Donating from US & Need a 501 tax reduction

    For credit card donations from the U.S and for tax deduction purposes 501(c)(3), please use our Cause Match service below and a receipt will be issued by P.E.F Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

    Donate to ILAI Fund via Cause Match

    (This link will open in a new window, which when closed will return you back here)

Thank you & שלום רב

 In 'ILAI Fund' we consider your contribution an act of adoption.
All efforts by members of 'ILAI FUND' are voluntary. There are no salaries.


%100 of all the money collected through your generous donations is used for the good of the children, those who need it most. 

Pray for the health & well-being of our children every day, and we wish the same for you.


ואהבת לרעך כמוך........“Love your neighbour as yourself”